so here we ready?.....really grab onto your pants and prepare for the most bizzare post yet...O_O.
Hey I can speak squirrel...Cheeko cheeko cheeko....and the translation for it please okay we got what that means is "Were are the nuts....were are the nuts....OMG were are the nuts
What is it with us and the squirrels of doom you might ask they are by far the best creatures yet to help provide us with all the itty bitty details in this crazy thing we call life...they help Rica bring her wrath onto others...they help me bombard you all with the tales of the mass gnome genocide and many other things.
...Heck we even got a special stealth team of ninja squirrels....and yes they come complete with your choice and colors of ninja that I come to think of it the colors pink and purple are not on the list of colors for ninja suits O_o...*Aj comes in and pokes me* oww dont poke me....all right fine the colors pink and purple are only for the female squirrels there you happy now O_O
.....oh hey do you ever wonder if snowmen get carrot nose you know for example one snow man to another ..."hey my carrot is bigger then yours oh ya check out that carrot"
oh righty then so sorry I went off back to the squirrels
all right so you got me on this part the squirrels are our friends not enemies ....okay minus the little evil ones that go stark crazy and crawl up your pant leg looking for nuts....O_o umm hey squirrel squirrely mcpudding wont be finding nuts up there...unless your thinking of something else.
Enough O_o all this talk about squirrels has made me hungry for.....3.14....Hey who wants pie I do oh ya...
To the pie cave piebin were there is pie....and pudding O_O right away pieman
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
pie? pies don't like caves...much too cold and damp and scary. uh oh...ahhh wolf, please don't eat me!
... Lmao, nice one. That brightened up my morning. Thank you. You won't see this squirrel ninja in anything but black so I blend. With umm... Black. Ok, I guess to be a good ninja I'd have to wear a camouflage suit.
...WHERE IS MY COFFEEEE?! o-0 *crazy chitter*
You are quite welcome rica :P and lol be a good ninja blend in will and I has your coffee weeeeeeee
Gasp!! You can't has my coffee! You think that's vanilla you taste? ...I spat in it! o:
nasty prisms
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