No, not a hyper moment. Close, but not quite. I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning to be anywhere close to hyper.
Anyways... What I'm going nuts over (no pun intended lol...ok well maybe pun intended) is that Smackdown is coming to the World Arena this year! May 26th and my friend is going to try and get us good seats. Sadly... That means we'll likely get to see Vickie Gurero live. Hopefully at least one of you knows who this is. GODS SHE'S ANNOYING.
Can you imagine? ... "EXCUSE MEEE!" live? Ugh my ears will be BLEEDING. But hell, it will be worth the damaged braincells. Don't you think?
FUNNY STORY!! (yes, you saw this coming) ... (and no, it's not about squirrels, sorry) ;3;
Ok... So, I was hanging out with my good friend Kari yesterday, after our math study session. UGH. And we were sitting in her car yakking about random stuff when I felt something sticky under my shoe.
"Um, honey you have gum on the floor of your car," I blurted after picking my shoe up. She only looked at me with this grossed out face and said, "Ew, who put that there?"
Then she was kind enough to try and scrap what there was off my shoe. So, invision this... I'm sitting back, my left foot propped on the dashboard of the passanger side of her car, she's crouched over, scraping the gum off with an old ciagarette box while others outside are looking at us funny. Invision that? Yeah, weird, eh? Here's the funny part...
"Should I make faces?" she looks at me and goes, "What?" and I said, "Make faces, you know like, oh yeah that's good keep it right there, kind of faces," and she laughed her ass off and played along. So I'm here looking like I'm enjoying something that everyone else can't really see very well.
All it was is I was getting gum scraped off my shoe. Or WAS it? LOL sorry. It was funny and I just had to share it.
Almost as funny as that one day I sat and watched squirrels run from tree to tree for forty minutes before they looked like they were humping each other. After that forty minutes, they WERE humping each other. The whole time I was giving my own commentary. So, my friend in the other seat is laughing her ass off at me.
"MY TREE DAMNIT! GET OFFA MY TREE!" as the other squirrel chased the first one off of the pine tree. Then the other. Then another and another. Up until... HUMP HUMP VON HUMPY HUMP HUMP MIIIIINE
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
O_O....what have I started lol
The start of the end of humanity at the hands of squirrely wrath and her giant disaster of ninja squirrels.
uh oh...prepare for nut bombimg!
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