Gah I don't even know how to start this off...I just feel the need to write right now. Please don't reply to this, I'm not looking for attention. I'll probably snap at you if you do. For that I'm very, very sorry. I just have not been my normal self lately.
I have not felt this down in quite a long time. It's not the normal type of sad/frusterated type down either. I feel just flat out depressed. Don't feel like doing anything, even the things I love. All I want to do right now is just curl up in my room and cry. I can't seem to face life right now. Even music isn't doing anything to make me feel better. I don't feel like hanging out with my best buddy at lunch like I normally do. I just want to go home and sleep off my lunch and spare period, which I probably will. I missed that Union meeting yesterday and I feel really bad about it, but I just could not bring myself to get out of bed. I think I'm annoying my supervisor right now cos I'm being too clingy and asking too many questions. I'm just excited and want to help out. I guess I just gotta step on my crust and shut up.
I'm falling severely behind in school due to just not feeling like going and the fact that I most likely won't be walking the stage. I just feel like why bother coming to a place that you fucking hate and that sucks the life out of you if you're not getting anything out of it? It seems pretty damn pointless, doesn't it? Although there are a couple of classes here that I really do enjoy (like the one I'm in right now) I just seem to be losing all motivation and interest for them. I'm burning out hardcore here.
There's a few other things that are really bugging me and are causing most of this depressed state I'm in, but I prefer not to share them. The pies stupid little brain is about to explode here, so I'd better leave you guys.
Oh ps, happy belated easter sporks!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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