silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Master of sporkaster returns.....*hide your squirrels*

All right to explain this I am semi back but I return..I do play this game online called wonderland online it's really weird spoken in broken english in some parts.

So to explain this when I started the game I registered my self for Libra server

which strange as it is there are some arseholes that scam players for there equips,gold or other items....It got so bad one day I ended up saying this in guild chat.

Libra is falling down,falling down
beware the noobers all they do is scam and scam

Their even full of spam
lets make them meet my fair whomper (sidenote here the whomper or fugly whomper as most call it is really a heavy spear in wonderland and it's the equip I have)

there they fall sticks and stones
Break some bones

Whomping is never fair,never fair
stop complaining or you shall get a swift swipe from the whomper

....and yeah that's where I promptly ended it kinda of

cause then I started up with the whole

why I should just udderly call the Madcow moofia to get rid of the idiots


why yes such as things like are you udderly insane you want to bring out the cowtapult and launch it at the milk maidens.

that sounds cheesely evil

wumpscut x.X launch the manure makers now

no.....chit you just dropped that cow like way to go mooinstien

...are you laughing yet...has you brain went...POP

darn guess not *snatches up a few calfs*

Hasta la moosta mootherfooker

okay ...I think i should stop now...before I get charged as a moodurer

for making the fellow rats laugh them selves to death.

....okay one last one...or two...or eleventeen

I am count moocula from moosavainla

now let me rest in my moofin before the the milk maidens arrive

to milk me x.x....that's it that's all

spork you very much the master of sporkaster leaves you all with the post of mooderate laughter

More random to make your head go boom

bouncey bouncey bouncey bounds at Kitt, chitters and chases her tail
weeeeee heheheh
chase chase chase then chases wuff tail
Lol I just said this to a friend, "Make sure that booty kicking foot doesn't get too itchy. Might misfire and you'll kick somebody else's booty lol"
Murrf I got distracted by that last match. Women wrestled. x.x; It's a weakness, I guess
umm boobies?
Well, that and the spandex probably
My superhero weakness is boobies
be all hey look hot chick...squirrel follows
Squirrel's boobie radar appears and tail starts twitching as I go, "Boop, boop, boop,"
Or if you want to get ridiculously funny, "Boob, boob, boob, boob," instead of boop
"boobies, boobies, boobies," like a magnet lol
Like my step-dad is a big booty magnet
tilts head
We left the grocery store last week and this lady who had shoved herself into sweatpants started walking her cart in front of us and my step-dad oh man, he was going on and on about it while I"m trying not to laugh, 'cause I didn't want to embarrass the lady.
He has a tendency to not keep things to himself, he'll speak his mind. ;^^
arfs and paws at all cute like
head s'plodes from the cute overload
ewww cleans it up
brain goo
Brain goo: You made me s'plooode!
in odd little alien voice
smothers in brain goo
eww hoses you off
slithers down the drain Nuuuuu
grabs by tail and hangs you tail first on the clothes line
x.x blinks then wiggles Urrf urrf urf... What the? My powers have weakened? looks up which is down and sees a street YIPE!

This is what happens when a squirrel and a wolf have too much caffeine, time and boredom on their paws. Near chaos ensues! xD

Friday, August 28, 2009


Jealousy is probably one of the worst of human emotions next to anger and pain. I always wonder why we feel this emotion... And when we do, why we act so harshly. Again, probably just in the human nature... But, I still wonder why. Why? Often times jealousy rears it's ugly head when it doesn't need to. Or we tell ourselves that, to make ourselves feel better. I often times do that... But like I said, human nature, so that's to be expected, right? More like a doi moment there... Anyway, don't know why I decided to bring it up. Probably 'cause I'm feeling that emotion right now.

Hate it.

Hate jealousy.

Hate people. Okay, hate is a strong word for that... Strongly dislike. There we go, strongly dislike other people.

Okay, I was about to go on into people and how I dislike them, but I won't. Again, I don't even know why I brought up the whole jealousy thing. Oh well. A reason to post right? I HATE PMS. Now THAT I CAN use the word hate. 'Cause I do hate it. The whole monthly time.

Gross, painful and annoying. But, it let's me know that I'm alive and I can still feel 'cause there are certain days where I just feel so mentally numb... UGH. DONE. Sorry.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Unnoticed gnome post pushed off the first page! *wiggles flails and chitters* No, no, no, nonono, no, no no noooooo! ...Hi. Had caffeine today, sooo that would explain my mood.

Or I'm just weird.

Yeah, I'm just weird...

*Chitters and mafias all hair dryers no matter how shiny they are then takes all the bubble wrap, sugar and pixie sticks and goes to the basement* I'll be sugar dealing if anybody needs me! *chitters and quickly closes the door* AND FOR THE RECORD, IF A MAN IN A SUIT COMES TO THE DOOR ASKING FOR 100k IN PESOS, I DIDN'T DO IT!! *chitter* sugar sugar yea yea sugar *chitter chitter*

Yeah, I'm odd. Hyper and odd. I need to let it out at a Walmart. Eehhhh!! Want to go walk around the Walmart but a 40 minute walk is too far! I'll be worn out by the time I got there. x.x DONE.


Rawr rawr rawr, quit poking me...

Ohh all right *yawns and stretches crust and shakes off a few stray flakes*.

*rolls out of oven* oof!

*gets up and dusts off more flakes only to fall and splat into the wall*

Fine, fine ok ya got me. It’s been a while hasn’t it?

We have late breaking news here...The pie has finally emerged from it s oven after a very long period of pie-bernation. It has very much missed its fellow rats and their epic cheesiness.

Now what has this pie been up to you may ask? Well let’s just say it is far too much to merely list in this blog *pulls out giant roll of parchment paper* What? It’s the only decent paper you can find in a bakery.

You see, this pie has been one very busy being. It has quickly turned into quite the party pastry venturing away from its own familiar bakery into new bouncing grounds and has met many, many new creatures along the way. No, it has most certainly not forgotten about its beloved rat family, it still holds them near and dear in its filling and that won’t change. It doesn’t have nearly as much time under its tin as it used to. For that it feels guilty and apologizes greatly and will try and post more often.

Diet Pepsi Zero...

Tastes like Tab. x.x


Sorry about the long random poem. Thought about how many friends I'm losing to lack of communication or getting relationships. This poured out last week and I just kept writing and writing. Adding onto it as I kept thinking. I called it, "My friend," but, that'll be evident.

Friends we are,
Friends we were,
But through the dark,
I see no light.

No positive,
No negative,

You've grown distant,
My friend,
I can't see your light,
I see nothing.

My friend,
Where have you gone?
Where am I now?
Where are you?


My dear friend,
Things aren't the same,
Where is my hero?
The one who said it would be okay?
Where is my light?
My friend?

A thousand words wouldn't be enough,
To bring you back.
My friend,
You're gone.

But my friend,
Life isn't easy,
This is clear now.
You've taken,
A bit of me,
With you.

Without you my friend,
Storms rumble,
Lightning flashes,
Showing me nothing.

It's stupid sometimes,
My friend,
How life can change,
With the blink of an eye.

Leaving me alone,
Without you,
My friend.

Without you,
My friend,
My life is broken,
Like puzzle pieces.

Where are you,
To put the puzzle together again?

My friend,
You're gone.

I've cut those strings,
You're free,
No longer a dove.
You're free...

My friend,
I've set you free.

So, yeah, don't mind that. Just a random poem I felt like sharing, just in case anybody saw my newest status update. That's where I got it from. The last little bit, I added as I was typing it out.

I've lost so many friends. But, thus is life, right? If they're true, they'll stick by you to the end, no matter the distance between them. I feel I have quite a few true and good friends, so I shouldn't worry about those that I've lost throughout my life, right? Screw


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moohahaha Experiment *shifty* eyes

Rica never fear posting shall commence I have a crappy computer at the moment...speaking of which...cow joke time really I call them manure launcher to
Ozone layer kamizees

MadCow Mooifa

What would happen if you bonked a cow extremly on the head you would get

Mooooo moo Mewmoo moo >.> that was super lame

Mother mooker upcome cottage cheese do you see I am trying to fit almost everything cow related into this post.

Besiders nobody wants to be friends with a MOOcher they prob curdle your milk and yeah once again super lame

....anyways spork diddly I Hops

I am running out of moo to throw at you all in the rat blog

now then moo you all later

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What happened?

Nobody posts here anymore... *sniffs armpit* Do I offend? Nope, I put deodorant on, so it can't be me. Could it be because I've stopped dealing pixie sticks in basements? I can resume if needed! D: Where did everybody goooo?

19 days until the Anime Convention!! W00T. And 8 more days until my birthday. W00T x100,000 and all kinds of spiffy and win!

*Siiiigh* x.x Where did everybody go? *whine* IT'S SO DARK AND QUIET!! x_X No, I'm not acting emo or nuthin', just being random 'cause I've had caffeine today. Two cups of coffee technically... ;^^

People srsly need to come back. I have no reason to come here anymore. D: D: D: D: D:


Sunday, August 2, 2009

28 days

Until the 30th! And I'm sure only one knows what that means and others can guess. SHARK WEEK! :D Hooray! Aside from a sunburn, sore legs and feet... I had a good day yesterday. Went to the local Renaissance fair. It was a blast!

Best part about my sunburn... It's on my back, but... Here's what's funny about it. Not only can you see the tank top straps, but my BRA straps too. My mom found it humorous as she was putting aloe vera on my back. Course, I noticed it too before she did.

Got my picture taken with the Captain Jack Sparrow look-a-like with my good friend Katie while there too. Last year, I chickened out and my friend Adam called me a chicken shit since then. Well, today, I said I wasn't going to be a chicken shit and that I was going to do it. He rolled his eyes and went, "Yeah, right,"

But, I did. And it was great. First words out of his mouth instead of, "Sure," was, "Well, get over here then," with that British accent. It was funny. Of course, from a distance, this guy looks a lot like Johnny Depp. But, up close... Yeah, not so much. BUT, it was fun just the same.

The gal who was taking the pictures said, "We need one closer!" stepped a few inches closer and took another one. Then said again, "We need one closer!" and put the camera, my camera right in this guy's face and took another picture. So, I have two good ones, and this guy's face lol. It was funny.

It sure has been quiet around here... Did the gnomes find out hideout and put down a bunch of rat poison or something? :[ So sad... It was fun while it lasted.

Here's a bunch of pixie sticks to keep everybody alive! Hope everything is going well for everybody... Found out this morning that my friend, the one with the mental illness, was in a mental hospital for three days. Hence why, she wasn't picking up.

I'm pissed at her family though. 'Cause here I am worried that something bad might have happened, I called once each day until she finally called me back today. The nerve... You would think that they'd pick up and say, "Sorry, she's in a mental hospital, we'll have her call you when she gets out," sure, it's my friend's business, but you would think that they'd let me know as one of her good friends.

Pisses me off... Her family is the nicest bunch of people, at times, that I've ever met, but there are times that just make me wonder why I put up with them... Like that moment. I was worried, for crying out loud!

So, needless to say, I'm not that content, but I'm at least happy to know that she's back home and I know what was going on.

However, I came to that conclusion this morning when another friend of mine asked me if she was attending church. So, I guess in a way, I knew. But eh, with something like that, it's far too predictable, you know?

And she's saying it's because her meds wore off. I'm telling her, "No, I don't think that's the entire reason. You've been stressing a lot, church, your family dog dieing, things like that are putting stress on you. Including your mental illness, that doesn't help any. I think it's because all that stress just blew over," like water that's been left on the stove for too long. Boiled right over.

So, hopefully she's not going to use the whole meds thing as an entire excuse. ANYWAY, just had to post something.

The title of the blog sounds like that movie, "28 days later..." which totally sucked donkey nuts. I hated that movie... And the sequel sucked even more. I'm done now. Just had to post.