silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Monday, March 28, 2011

I knight Thee.......(random things said on facebook)

I knight thee.....Rikers ardilla of littleton

Littleton, huh? Funny... There's a Littleton in this state. X3; Why not ardilla of the acorns? Hazelnuts? And the non-dairy creamer!?

Julie:Because then it would be rikers ardilla of acornaazelnut of the non dairy creamer once formerly known as littleton and that's to much to type so Rikers ardilla of littleton it is ....or is it >.>

Rica:Lmao! I think that would be quite the mouthful and would be worthy of copy and paste

Julie:I swear once your mother reads my post insanity yet again she's going to confirm that yes....yes Rica has crazy friends or for the lack of better their all crazy....

Rica:Lol you said it not me. XDD I know my friends have screws loose. :P

Julie:wait you calling me crazy how dare you call me crazy you are rikers ardilla of littleton I thought you have a lil more manner then that oh how a brute thou are .......

also gravity why art thou such a bitch

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Goodness gracious great berries of white yogurt! It's sour without the berries! Like it's been sitting out in the hot, hot sun! Like zombies that have been baking in the sun for a few hours. Rancid, very, very rancid! And with berries... I don't know if it truly helps mask the flavor any. The yogurt even has little raspberry hairs in it! ...Hairy yogurt. Ew!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


"You're so stuuupiiiiiid!!"

Stupid people... Like those idiots who put their hands on a hot stove, yell ouch and then go and do it again? Idiots that can't be fixed with duct tape. The kind of stupid that melts duct tape in hot, hot summers in Phoenix, AZ. Yup... We're not dealing with any ordinary stupid. We're dealing with inbred stupidity. Stupid that's been dropped on its head one too many times to get dain bramage! (Quote my dad) Yep... The stupid of stupid...

The stupid you can't scrape off the sidewalk. The kind of stupid you find under your shoe, that's sticky and gross like bubble gum! The kind of stupid that makes us all feel 100% smarter by association... Even if we're miles away. We see somebody jay walking, and we feel almost like an astronaut for using the crosswalk!

Okay, I'm done.

CAFFEINE! ...Only had one cup today. No more, no less. So caffeine is still in my system. Woo!

Zombies... They're... After me lucky charms! And you know what?

...I'm sure if you fed that rabbit some Trix he'd lay up. Puke, or die. Either way, share and he'll leave ya alone! Unless he's that mouse... Don't give a mouse a cookie or he'll raid your pantry and cupboards looking for more food until you have nothing left! NOTHIIIING!

And I've been watching too much Zim... Can ya tell? XD

I want something sweet... And wine! Mm wine sounds good only because there's no other alcohol in this entire house! DX


And don't hit a squirrel, you know every time you hit a squirrel a 40 year old nerd living in his mom's basement gets laid? THINK OF THE SQUIRRELS!!

SANITY BREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi,how's it going huh miss me oooo has the bloggers missed me....okay maybe rica I know she misses me and if she didn't then

NYAH you can not have my cinnamon waffles of nom or my toast or my other waffles....or my oatmeal.

you know what I got to say to most BAD LLAMA because even if we are all adults now living or working or going to school or all the above relax find a little time to post.

pssst shakey shakey rawr there is NO WAY out from this mad house

hmmm how about a little ditty....


Love Optical Situations That

Throughly Help Everything

Going Around Me Evolving

What did that not make any sense at all...psst here`s a hint read only the Capital
letters in the above possible mini haiku

Tip tip cheerio I shall be signing off now