silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

. . . . .

Coffee coming to you live from my safety zone!! Yum...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

. . . .

*Danger Zone tune*

COMIN' TO YA LIVE FROM MY SAFETY ZONE!! Where it's nice and warm, away from the cold and fog! CAFFEINE FUELS MY MOTIVATIONS AND FUELS MY HYPERNESS!! Woo woo!

*chittersSLURP* You taste like caffeine! >w0 Heeheehee! Nom........ *FLAIL!*

Friday, December 17, 2010


Broadcasting to you live from my safety zone! It's the cold, cold squirrel from her nest, also known as SAFETY ZOOOOONE!! It's cold, and my hoarding instincts are so strong that I've re-heated my coffee a couple of times already. MY PAWS NEED FRICTION! FRICTION!!

It's almost that time of the year, which means I can start humming my jingle. I've already posted that, which I'm sure if one was frequent, or even frequent enough to check up every now and again, they'd already see it.


Okay, done... Lol maybe. But for now, I'm done. It'll be stuck in my head, and likely anyone else's head for a short time. My work here.. Is done... :D


My nest is done up with Christmas lights, so it looks really, really cool and cozy in my safety zone. However, it's still colder than a banshee's teet. (Quote wuff) And still snowing a bit.

But, the more it snows at this pace, there won't be enough to really cover the ground. I just hope it does this on Christmas morning. We've had snow on the ground on Christmas morning, but hardly ever had any actually falling. Would be nice to have some falling on that morning this year. We've hardly gotten any this year, due to mother nature's lack of medication.

I swear she's bipolar and off her meds! RUN RUN RUUUUN!

Ahh spork me, my coffee got cold again.. Nooooooo! Anyway, take care everyone and have a Merry Christmas, 'cause like Foamy, I don't give a damn if it offends. :-P


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I know...

It's not yet Christmas, or even December, but I was randomly singing a carol when I started singing my own little jingle. Does anybody recall? Well, either way, the randomness is about to ensue and cause great headaches! So, here it is!


Here comes squirrelly wrath,
Full of squirrelly cheer,
Watch out for your rear,
I may just bash it in.

Bells on my tail ring,
Making my wrath worse,
If you piss me off I may just,
Slay you with my nuts.


Jingly squirrels,
Jingly squirrels,
Watch me steal your nuts,
Watch out or I'll,
Knock you out,
With my jolly boots of doom,

Jingly squirrels,
Jingly squirrels,
Watch me steal your nuts,
Watch out or I'll,
Knock you out,
With my jolly boots of doom!


Yup! There ya go! For those in America, have a wonderful Turkey Day/Thanksgiving, and for those who live in Canada, and already had it... Enjoy that day anyway because we all have a list of things to be thankful for!

So... Have some ham, or a bit of turkey or even a turkey sandwich, but remember... The coffee god is always watching, and will know if you break any of his/her commandments! Just beware when you pour that first cup... And remember! He/she's watching...

Have a great day!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I've turned into a zombie! Bolt your doors and hide your brains under hats! Quickly before it's too late! OH NO! ITS ALREADY TOO LATE!! ........braaaiiiinsssss.... Give braaaiiins.......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

. . . . .

COFFEE SODA!! I'm on a journey to find coffee soda. And I doubt very highly that the local grocery store, or even Wal-mart has this new(ish) type beverage that sounds ever so tasty in my tummy.....

*sad squirrel face*

Why I shouldn't be in a group of people

Long story short, Halloween eve (that sounds funny!) my friend's brother, a very non-religious being, was forced to wear a Monk costume. He had facial hair and all, it was very funny. ANYWAY...

While out trick-or-treating, myself, my friend, her sister, and her sister's guest were all in the house. Yea, all four of us. Chatting, enjoying the quiet, while everybody else, the whole house full of people were out trick-or-treating. I didn't bring my hoodie, I'm such a wuss...

So, we were in the kitchen talking, and my friend's brother texted their sister with, "I'm lost. I'm alone. I'm scared, and I need an adult!" it was funny. So, she texted him back with something along the lines of, "Hold hands with Hercules," or something, since her sister's hubby was a Roman or something like that... I don't know.

He replied with, "No touchie!" which made us all crack up.

Well, the best part was yet to come. The Monk costume consisted of a brown robe, big plastic cross, and they gave him some sort of religious book to carry around. It was priceless needless to say... SO, what was REALLY funny was...

Everybody had returned to the party, except for a small group, consisting of their brother. Well, the doorbell rang. Who could that be? More trick-or-treaters? We answered the door and there he was, smiling big, while holding the little book up and said, "Good evening!" and we all laughed because we knew where it would have gone if we let him.

She said afterward that she should have shut the door on him, to make it funnier.

Anyway, that was part of my Halloween. Didn't do too much, but the party was really fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sushi Wakka!

I never realized how entertaining the act of making sushi could be. For example...

Cucumber toruture and white sticky stuff!

Oh yeah baby gimmie some more of that white sticky stuff...oh that cucumber is so big! Oh're torturing it cutting it with that could you you evil person!

*taking the wrapper off of the cucumber* What are you doing? You should be safe! Don't unwrap it!

Oh god I need more white sticky stuff...bring it to me now!
Where do you want it?
On the weed!

Careful to roll it gently you don't wanna rip the paper!

Something smells fishy in here...close your mouth!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What is wrong with this world? *sob*

Today, my friend told me about his great game. I was excited about it until she showed me what it really was. The following is not for the faint of hearted...

As soon as I clicked on the link, I saw about the most terrible thing I have ever layed my pie eyes upon. Gave me shivers in my crust and just about made me lose my filling. I cannot even begin to explain the horror that rained down upon me.

I didn't think there was a living being on this planet who would even dream of creating something as grotesque and sadistic as this. It is a genecide of my species! How can the get away with this?! It pure and utter unadultrated mass murder of all pie kind! Discrimination of the worst kind. They are preying on and killing off all of our younger counterparts and killing them off for what...a cheap thrill of some kind? It doesn't get any sicker and more twisted than this! I betcha afterwards they save the leftover splattered pieces of crust to make a...a...GIANT PASTRY! *breaks down and sobs and leaks filling everywhere*

Save Piekind! Boycott Flash Games!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Why I shouldn't be hyper.....

[10:01:02 PM] rica1448: YAY GO ME!
[10:01:20 PM] rica1448: That felt gooooooooood.....
[10:01:23 PM] Kiki: lolololololololololololololololololololololololol
[10:01:53 PM] rica1448: Wow, it must have really, really been funny, eh?
[10:01:58 PM] rica1448: Yea, let's not say who we're talking with
[10:01:58 PM] rica1448: K?
[10:01:59 PM] rica1448: K
[10:01:59 PM] rica1448: Yep
[10:02:09 PM] Kari: yuppers agree
[10:02:11 PM] Kiki: no fair
[10:02:13 PM] Kari: wit erica
[10:02:15 PM] Kari: nope
[10:02:19 PM] Kari: u do i hang u
[10:02:20 PM] Kari: up
[10:02:24 PM] rica1448: With SATAN!
[10:02:30 PM] rica1448: ...How may I help you?
[10:02:37 PM] rica1448: Satan is coming out!
[10:02:38 PM] rica1448: OH NO!
[10:02:42 PM] rica1448: Ew bad burp....
[10:02:53 PM] Kari: eek
[10:03:12 PM] rica1448: YAR!
[10:04:17 PM] rica1448: Uh-oh..... UH-OH! .... ::frrrrrt::
[10:04:20 PM] rica1448: ...Ahhh
[10:04:32 PM] Kari: (blush)
[10:04:57 PM] rica1448: ::puts on a gas mask::
[10:05:03 PM] rica1448: EVACUATE!! EVACUATE!!
[10:05:06 PM] rica1448: ::POOT::
[10:05:09 PM] rica1448: Oh noooooooo
[10:05:12 PM] rica1448: Kiki run!
[10:05:14 PM] rica1448: The smell!
[10:05:16 PM] rica1448: THE SMELL!
[10:05:19 PM] rica1448: ::cough::
[10:05:20 PM] rica1448: ::gag::
[10:05:23 PM] rica1448: Mmm beer....
[10:05:28 PM] rica1448: Wow, where'd the hyper come from?
[10:05:39 PM] Kiki: i do not want to run
[10:05:59 PM] Kari: i do i'll run far away above my inner thoughts lol
[10:06:10 PM] Kiki: i see
[10:06:22 PM] Kari: beer thoughts damnit
[10:06:23 PM] Kari: lol
[10:06:27 PM] rica1448: Beer burps!
[10:06:29 PM] rica1448: NOM!
[10:06:32 PM] rica1448: I'm a little teapot
[10:06:33 PM] rica1448: Short
[10:06:34 PM] rica1448: And stout
[10:06:39 PM] rica1448: Here is my handle -- SHINY!
[10:06:42 PM] rica1448: ......It's mine...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Random, hope ya like it.

Tall-brained morons that live in this world! Tricky, greedy weirdies who drink Starbucks and go through their DRIVE THRUS!! *BURP* That's what I gotta say to that...


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let's talk ferrets

It has occurred to me that I have spoofed everything from sporks to tanks to which I bring to you

Dawn of the ferret

Ferret wars-The ferret strikes back

Ferret wars-A new ferret

Ferret wars- the phantom ferret

Ferret wars- The ferret wars

Fried green ferrets

The ferret club

Lord of the Ferrets Fellowship of the ferret

Lord of the ferrets the two ferrets

Lord of the Ferrets Return of the ferret

4 weddings and a ferret


Bride of ferretstine

Ferrets on a plane

The Godferret

Ferret the 13th

Ferret kruger

That should be it for now....more to come later on

Thursday, August 5, 2010

More randomness via facebook

Julie These Double shifts snuck up on me like a highly skilled ninja.....
Yesterday at 5:46pm

Cathryn ‎*evil grin* this bothering you? *waves a porterhouse 2 inches from your nose* mwuhahahahahaha
Yesterday at 6:05pm

Julie I will slap you with a 7 OZ NY steak if you keep that up
Yesterday at 6:05pm

Cathryn ‎......whats his name?
Yesterday at 6:06pm

Julie ‎.....wellington and the one after that will be tenderloin and the one after that one after the next will be primerib
Yesterday at 6:07pm

Cathryn one at a time honey, do i look like that type of cow? GOD!
Yesterday at 6:09pm

Julie ROFL to the slaughterhouse
Yesterday at 6:10pm

Cathryn XD i share my tbone with u
Yesterday at 6:18pm

Monday, August 2, 2010

. . . . .

How the heck do I keep getting the ability to permanently delete comments? Something is terribly, terribly screwy with this blogger... >_>

Back from my South Dakota vacation! Pictures soon to follow!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


The highlight of my day, aside from taking a road trip to Denver, aside from my friend's brother (and his very spiffy Mustang) driving down the interstate in the fast lane around 110mph (x.x) was the fact that at an Anime store I walked out with a free CD. Here's the story!

Walked into the store. The cashier says, "On the wall over there, to the right, are a bunch of music CDs that nobody seems to be buying. We can't seem to sell them. So, I've been telling everybody who walks in, that if they want, they can pick one and they can have it for free,"

So, I picked one out that said "remix" on it lol. Took about a few minutes, the wall was pretty stocked with these CDs. So, picked that one and currently listening to it and enjoying it. :D Yay!

Anyway, that's about it. DONE! XD

Friday, July 23, 2010

Late night steakings

RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
tilts head
paws at
then pokes
and runs
I didn'tdo it!

§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
paw paw paw spits out steak

RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Wasn't me!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
*looks at it*....STEAK ABUSE
*points at you and shakes* you abused the steak

RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Had to go there

§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
....Steaktory rape of the 1st degree?

RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
5th! The worst kind EVAH!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Random needs no caffeine

Because random is naturally high on crazy!!


RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Have you seen Kari's pet yet? omg
I'm not using IE though, I'm using Google Chrome
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
no XD I have to find it lol
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Looks freaky!!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
lol now I gotta go find it
biggie eh
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Iknowright? xD
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
it's naked and blue...
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I first saw the giant ears and went WTFBIGEARS
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
I dont' want anymore of this stinky need more neighbours crap
I think having my friends as neighbours is bad enough
you lostyour ducky again
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Not my duckyyyy!
grabby paws
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
I see you are now a squirrel in teh game
and skeith looks bad ass
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
XD found your ducky
quit losing it lol
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
But, but...urrrrf squeezes ducky making it go squeeeeeee
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
lol slobbers on it
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
squeaks my ducky
holds it out as it drips drool
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
eww mental image
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Or even better
I'm going ducky ducky ducky then squeak from the ducky as you're there with your mouth on it, gobbing it going om nom nom nom while I"m like ehhhh my duckyyyy
A pitiful, sad abrupt squeak no less
Just to add to the insight
they are secretly in the closet so i think anyway and discising it wit belle the pretty girl lol
Hehe team Edward or Team Jacob? I think they're both on the same team in that damn closet
I so went there!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
how about I go even further
Bella swan has the dramatic choice to choose between a life of necrophilla or a life of beastailty
or better yet
bella fucks the ice cube and gives birth to a fucked up half human vampire baby
enough said
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I shared that with Kari and I hope she's not dieing of laughter over there lol
And you know Bella would probably die in the birthing process
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
would the baby eat the planecta?
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
It would probably shove it down her throat and chew her head off
Here's what I told Kari
Welcome to the mind of Julie lol
Mind your head, and watch out for random perversion that will swing from the walls like a booby-trap
Watch your step, and enjoy your stay! lol
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
and then you told her about the whole life of
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I wonder if vampire babies eat their mothers for nutricion like other animals do...
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
or would the mother have to drink gallons of blod by the bucketful?
maybe eat a few placentas?
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
This is true, she'd have to keep full of nutrition for the baby then BOOM
And I can see retarded files of Twilight and Edward on the first date asking, "Want to see my penis? It sparkles"
And Bella smacking him then pulling out a giant hammer to throttle him with
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
even better
I want waffles *eat* .....waffle goes flying out
....okay blood it is then
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Waffle with syrup? *FLING!* okay then... BLOOD syrup? *long pause......FLING!* damnit!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I'm totally saving this so Kari can read it later
Then the whole house echos DAMN YOU EDWAAARRRRD!
But since it's all made up what would a human woman look pregnant with a vampire baby? Probably wouldn't look at all like a human pregnant...eeww ok stopping
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
prob super huge
laying back with a sippy cup of blood
and bitching at edward goign IT"S YOUR FAULT
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I'm suddenly seeing a fat Cartman for this mental image
And it's gross

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Are random people commenting on posts? Why, why, why? Its so annoying! x.x

. . . .


...That is all.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to take someone's advice without really taking it.

Social Rules for Social Retards by a Social Retard

Lesson #1: How to take someone's advice without really taking it.

We've all had this problem before. Someone who constantly keeps giving you advice and/or telling you what to do and you really don't want to listen to them or don't give a rat's arse about what they have to say. You've tried yelling at them, telling them to go away but that only evokes a hostile reaction and makes matters worse. A lot of times, if you try and obviously make it seem like you want them to just shut up, they can tell that and they either take it as a personal attack or they know that you're not listening so then they end up pushing even harder, the absolute opposite of what you wanted.

Now how on earth do you make them just go away and leave you alone without coming back? The solution, well it does involve a bit of ass-kissing, but only a minor bit and it's for your advantage.

Next time that annoyance (whether it be a parent, friend, coworker) decides to try and be helpful, try a different approach. Listen to what they have to say (or pretend to listen while day-dreaming about Star Wars fantasies) nod and smile and make eye contact. That way you're acknowledging them and giving them the impression that you care about what they have to say, or at least they think so anyways. Also, while you're talking, make comments like “that's interesting, never thought of it that way, I'll have to try that out...” you get what I'm saying. Even if you're not truly listening to them, you can still make it seem like it and that way they won't bother you as much since you're technically giving them what they want which was for you to acknowledge they exist in the first place and give them a bit of your time. Don't forget to finish it off with a nice little thank you and I'll definitely keep that in mind. Be polite.

Remember...quit fighting and just play along. It will make your life and everyone else's lives a lot easier.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Get over it.

You were so blind
You didn't see
What you had
That's too damn bad

You're not getting it back
After all you put me through
You're lucky I haven't killed you

Get over yourself
Grow up
Nobody gives a fuck

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Time to shake this blog up a bit ....oh no shaken blog syndrome I'm such a bad blogger

wait that was a horrible idea *lowers head and gives sad puppy look*

So this is the plan we get a spork...we get some duct tape and we go about sporking

no this is not halloween we just go up to the door and knock and say "Spork or treat"

while the treat will be some very tasty cheese and if you say spork .....*BAM SPORK RIGHT IN YOUR FRIDGE*

I swear I am not overly bouncy.....oooo shiny my shiny

did I ever mention I am the ninja your parents warned ya about

heck yeah I can be all over the place just like that so what

you got something to say come get it ...wait no bring cakes....I like cake....and pancakes...

oh yeah WAFFLES everybody gotta love them waffles if not your a flea bitten mangy non rat loving non spork loving....neener beaner head.

Oh that is all just me zooming in causing my local chaos in the blog

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just had the crap scared outta me

So, I stayed the night at my friend's house right? The one who lives out in the boonies. So, there's coyotes everywhere, and possibly stray dogs and such, right? Yea, so...

Laying here in the guest bed, listening to classical calming music on Pandora radio, fiddling around in Facebook when I hear what sounds like coyotes. I'm used to it, so I didn't let it get to me. But then, a couple seconds later - it wasn't coyotes. Not even one.

Ended up being a cat. Yes, a cat. It was making some weird/creepy sounds. At first, it was wailing like a normal cat would, only it sounded odd. Then a few seconds after that it sounded like it was in a scrap, but I didn't hear any other animals out there. THEN to make it BETTER... It sounded like it was on the back deck. Right outside the guest window. So I'm stiff, watching the window (curtains drawn thankfully) thinking, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Then after that... Nothing. And I mean NOTHING. The cat had gone somewhere else, or snatched up by whatever was out there. Could have been anything, but if it were a coyote, I'd have heard a coyote. A mountain lion or anything like that, I'd have heard that too. But, it was only the cat.

Which confused the hell out of me.

But, it's gone now, whatever it was. So, I should hopefully get a peaceful night's sleep without anything else like that to freak me out. Should be used to cats wailing like that, my friend's cat is annoying like that. Not only that, but a few nights in a row last year, a couple of cats squabbled outside my bedroom window of all places. Freaked me the hell out.

So yea... I'm done now. Just thought I'd share that. >_< I just hope that doesn't happen again. I don't like sounds like that... Meowing is fine, wailing ehh somewhat fine. But yeowling and screeching like it's being attacked - no way.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Julie Wolf Leong I currently have no internet so I'm at a friends just visting leaving you this message
3 hours ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Oh, that makes sense. Been going nuts. XD *paws*

Julie Wolf Leong
yeah lol

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Misses my buddy!

Julie Wolf Leong
misses ya too and your status is screwy lol

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Hehe but as am I, so... Yup! XP

Julie Wolf Leong
better then me goign no my baby when it started raining and my car was outside yeah i called my car my baby

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
That's nothing... My step-brother, when he first got his mustang, he SLEPT in it and kissed it goodnight. o__0

Julie Wolf Leong
O_O for series?

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
*nods* For series.

Julie Wolf Leong
That's really really and I mean REALLY odd

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Very much so

Julie Wolf Leong
anyways this coffee is great

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Yes. Yes, it is. Very om nom-licious. :D

Julie Wolf Leong
woo dinner bell

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Rofl haven't heard that one in a while

Julie Wolf Leong
ring a ding a ding

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Clinky clinky clinky nom nom smell of coffee noooom

Julie Wolf Leong

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Ding ding ding-da ding ding ding dingding! *dances around*

Julie Wolf Leong
*head desks*

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
XD...You walked right into that one

Julie Wolf Leong
I know lol

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
You know what comes next, don't you?

And I think she knew what was coming next... Because I told her. XD Have fun!

Monday, May 17, 2010

This is why...

I shouldn't think too much.

If pies have different moods... What flavor do they become?

errr...sour lemon for when they're pissed off

sweet apple for when they're happy

and banana cream for when they're...nevermind ;)

What about jealousy?

hmm that's a toughy

Sour apple? XP

haha that's what I was gonna say :P

crab apple

What about confused?

That's better


haha...raisin butter tart?

the pies confused about it's identity lol


Words of wisdom: Never let a wolf use duct tape when there is a pie filling spill emergency

hmm...just throw a pie back in the oven

after giving it a new crust

Wouldn't that be considered bakery surgery? And... That would be bad... Right?

as long as it's done in a sterile kitchen with lots of flour

Organic flour or all natur-aaal?

organic preferably

This is why I need sleep


what flavour is the pie today noms on crust

hmmm crab apple perhaps? or apple

I think plain apple would be good as the aj is sweet as can be

lol I guess I'm feeling sweet but with a bit of a bitter aftertaste

eww no crab apple

noses you to edge of table and pouts and thumps table

nooo watch out ahhhh


x.x oops umm

looks around and sweeps you under the rug whistles and makes coffee


oww my filling!

>.> puts new shell in tin and scoops you up and plops you in tin

pulls out duct tape

don't worry i can fix it

no, no duct tape

but...I can fix it

Oh but it get's even better I told rica I am going to use duct tape to fix up aj the reply



"Words of wisdom: Never let a wolf use duct tape when there is a pie filling spill emergency"

Friday, May 7, 2010

A rat's mind is always in the gutter...

This here is a lovely alphabet made up by two rather cheeky creatures...

The Kinky Alphabet

D-Doggy Style
I-Inflatable doll
N-Numbing jelly
W-Whipped cream
Z-Zipper ripper

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No For An Answer : Foamy The Squirrel

I think Foamy has finally tapped into my mind, and that's scary. My mother already did that today with iced tea. Thought Foamy had snapped, but this one - wow lol. Enjoy!

〰Lil тoɱβoi tɜh §quirrely wrath〰

Here's your random!

And for those who don't know... That's the squirrely wrath's voice and feet. YUCKY FEET. But what's more yucky... Yea, I'll leave that open to the imagination. Who knows? Something funny could rise out of it. IT'S ALIVE!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So... Something happened today...

Was hanging out with my clingy friend, like I almost always do, when her mom calls her on our way back to my place from our walk. I figure, nothing to make a deal out of, right? Well, clearly... I was wrong.

Turns out, this morning I was waiting in the garage while my friend did the last minute things in the house. Feed the horses, take the non-service dog out to potty, etc. And she apparently, forgot to take the retractable leash off of this dog. Her mom calls to ream my friend because (I think she may have been over exaggerating a bit) her mom said, "She nearly choked to death on that thing!"

And I had to sit there in the car listening to my friend cry and say, "I'm sorry!" over and over again. If I'd been in the house, her mom wouldn't have had to make my friend feel like crap for a mistake. Sure, it could have cost the dog her life IF the dog had in fact gotten entangled in the leash. But, I think her mom was just blowing it out of the water.

But, I still had to deal with it. Her dad on the other hand, wasn't so harsh. Thankfully... Mistakes can be made, and we just have to learn from them. Luckily she didn't have a mental episode from that, 'cause she was going on about her past pet deaths in the family and seeing things she shouldn't have. But, eh...

Anyway... I'm done now! Nothing random this time, sorry. I'll post some random stuff later!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Warning: Squirrels and wuffs shouldn't have caffeine

Or allergies... That and allergies combined are like... Not good. Nope, not good. Here's the random, you were warned!

Rica: I am Mack the macadamia nut squirrel! Who steals left socks to rip them to shreds and deals sugar in the basement! says:
Wuff sniffy too?
shares tissues

§ilentwolf Heaven's burning sacrifice says:
*blows on your tail*

Rica: I am Mack the macadamia nut squirrel! Who steals left socks to rip them to shreds and deals sugar in the basement! says:
tries to floof

§ilentwolf Heaven's burning sacrifice says:
*pins ya tail down and blows even harder*

Rica: I am Mack the macadamia nut squirrel! Who steals left socks to rip them to shreds and deals sugar in the basement! says:
flails and squeaks I've been violated!!

§ilentwolf Heaven's burning sacrifice says:
*head plants into floor*

Rica: I am Mack the macadamia nut squirrel! Who steals left socks to rip them to shreds and deals sugar in the basement! says:
scoot scoot scoot rubs tail on you look a new line of gel! I can't believe it'sNOT gel! SUPER HOLD!
Now in radical colors!
Our best seller: BODATIOUS OBNOXIOUS LIME (boogers) GREEN

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A basic set by DJ HiJack

Ok maybe it's not so basic cos it covers alot of stuff from breakbeats to hardhouse to trance to drum and bass. Anywho, tell me what you think.

1. What I'm After (Krafty Kuts Remix)- Lords of the Underground

2. Hyper Speed - Drumattic Twins

3. Shooting Star - David Rush feat. LMFAO

4. Where's Your Head At - Basement Jaxx

5. Hold Your Colour - Pendulum

6. Beat Myself Up (Night Remix)- Plump DJs

7. The Wonders of You - Andy Hunter

8. One Night in Bangkok - Vinyl Shakerz

9. Pump This Party - Benny Benassi

10. Rock It - Sub Focus

11. Fire - Scooter

12. Frequency Rebel - Splitloop

13. Turn Up the Music - Dj Alligator

14. Hello California (Quadrant Beat Mix) - Salme Dahlstorm

15. Starry Eyed Surprise - Paul Oakenfold

Friday, April 16, 2010

Get Your Zombie Beat

Grab your guns to set the score
Can you take the stench at all?
I try to understand you ghoul
The appocalypse is burning
Fuck it up and let it go

Get your zombie beat
Let the brains flow
Get your zombie beat
Let the brains flow
Get your zombie beat
Let the brains flow
Get your zombie beat
Let the brains flow

Doesn't matter what you do
I'll grab the shovel anyway
Don't give a fuck what you say
Glad your head is just for show
Bash it, smash it, your brains are doomed

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The wuff has gotten back into neopets

Also I am doing the current plot which is 14 chapters long and it's hard and I come upon this random event while questing.

A mysterious figure beckons to you from the shadows...
"Psst... hey, you. You look like someone who'd be interested in joining..." He glances around furtively and whispers. "Punch Club. And before you do, you have to remember that the first rule of Punch Club is that you don't talk about Punch Club... unless someone asks, then you can talk about it. Just don't bring it up. Unless you overhear someone else talking about it, because, like, they clearly already know about it." He nods, agreeing with himself. You get the impression that this Grarrl is not entirely stable

Yes they have spoofed fight club and now back to neopets I go

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's a reason to celebrate

It seems us rats with our wonderous cheesiness have managed to take our mindful (or mindless)clamouring to the next level. We have managed to obtain the outstanding and influencial achievement of 321 posts! Congrats rats and let's break out the turkey and take shots of gravy and stick a spork in it!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sad but true.

This song describes me bang-on.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Warning: We are not insane, just a bit off... And weird. We're not arguing with each other, but our worms arguing with each other.


§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
the jacque hides the cheese

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
ze carpet tater gets big watery eyes and tries to paw but fails epicly since he has no fingers or hands or arms only a tail
so he wiggles the tail...pathetically

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
the jacque smacks the tail with french bread
how dare you wiggle that thing at e
your father was a hamster

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
carpet tater yipes and hides
Nu-uh YOUR father was a hamster!
Or at least... LIVED in one!
Wow... What are we on today?

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
well your mother smelt like elderberries
яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
Nu-UH... YOUR momma smelt of elderberries!
Nice one carpet tater
Got anymore?

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
*hits you with poutine*

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
how dare you insult me you non french worm Photobucket

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
;3; My great-great-great-great...ummm...great-great UNCLE was part French!

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
Lies you have no accent ze non french scum

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
De peuuuu~ see? Kind of! I'm only part, cut me some slack here... Photobucket

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
Photobucket Ze not good enough for me frenchness
now grey poupon

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
Oh yea? Yea? well... Well... I fart in your general direction!

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
oh yeah
ze filthy worm where are your manners you simply must be a witch

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
*bites off a snail's head and makes a war cry*

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
Photobucket You my dear worm disgust me
do ze have no manners

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
*takes the snail's shell and puts it on jaqcue's head*
A hat!

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
It's Jacque and why do I have a escargot hat I detest this

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
You're not French! Your accent is fake and your father WAS a hamster! Photobucket

§ilentwolf They don't serve breakfast, in hell says:
Photobucket how dare you insult me you filthy slime Photobucket you anger me so much that I shall hit you with this stale french bread Photobucket

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Tape Worm Rap

By: Yours truly

Worms: Jacque (Wuff) and Carpet tater (Squirrely wrath)

Tune: No tune as of yet (working on it!)

The Tape Worm Rap

I am, I am,
I am a tape worm,
I am a tape worm,

I eat and eat,
All day and night,
All of your food,
As you dump it, dump it,
Dump it, dump it,
down your meat tube,
Down your meat tube

When you lie, lie, lie,
Awake in your bed, bed,
Hungry as an elephant,
I still eat, eat,
Eat, and eat,
Because I... Am...
A tape worm!

I am a tape worm, (yeah)
I am a tape worm, (believe it)
I am, I am, I am a tape worm (oh yes)

I eat all day,
I eat all night,
All of your food,
As you dump it, dump it,
Down your meat tube, tube
To keep me satisfied,
But you don't know me,
Me, me,
Let me intro~...Duuuuuce...

Hi, I am Jacque and I eat,
Eat, and eat, (Carpet tater: Yeah, boooii)
All day, all night
Through your starches,
Through your wheats,
All of the food, (In me!)
It's all real neat!

The other one, I am the one,
They call Carpet ta~tah
I am the. Bet~tah
Half of you, you, you,
You eat and eat,
Yet I still take,
'Cause it's all sooooo SWEET

And so far, that's about all I have. No tune yet, but no doubt it will hit me about as randomly as this little rap did. Hee hee...

~RiC@ a.k.a. Squirrely wrath~

Monday, March 8, 2010


Normally, I would post some random stuff... Or just rant. But this time... I just feel like saying hi and updating.

HI!! :D

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Being a girlfriend is hard work...

Warning: Lovey-dovey mushy crap content.

I love my boyfriend so much but sometimes he drives me absolutely crazy.

I hate it when he leaves the toilet seat up, but I love it when he leaves flowers in the bathroom for me.

I hate it when he won't do the dishes and I have to badger him for hours, but I love it when he makes a special effort to clean up the living room and light aromatic candles.

I hate it when he watches non-stop wrestling and racing and dominates the TV, but I love those romantic movie nights when we snuggle together and feel each other's warmth.

I hate it when he eats food which I can't stand the smell of, but I love it when he makes me a romantic dinner.

I hate it when he talks on and on for hours about subjects that bore me to tears but yet I love it when he sweetly whispers into my ear how much he loves me and tells me how amazing I am.

But most of all... I HATE it when he gets sick all over the bathroom and I have to clean it up, but yet I absolutely LOVE those nights when I'm not feeling good and he holds me in his arms and gently strokes my face and sings a sweet song to me. It just melts my heart away.

At times, we may feel like strangling our significant others but when we think about it, there are so many amazing things they do for us and amazing things about them that make them who they are and are the reason why we love them more than anything.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who is the alpha worm!!!!!

яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
I love you,
You love me.
Not some puprle banshee

With a BELCH
And a sammich from me to you

Won't you say...


You know what I gotta say to that rica

You got twizzler I got lasagna

so with a PBBLT to the URRRP izzo

I got more noms then you do for you are worm and I truly am the ALPHA WORM!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I love you dearest Companion Cube!

The weighted companion cube is the love of my life. I cannot even begin to express the love I have for him. Not only will he never threaten to stab me but he will love me unconditionally and never let me down. Those hearts on his sides don't lie. I know we will spend the rest of our lives happily together.

He and I both know that the cake is not a lie and we will forever spend our lives spreading this important message to the people of the world. Him and I and Aperture Science...a happy team of wonderfulness, doing what we must because we can.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Doom, doom, doomie, doomie, doom, doooooom

Julie Wolf Leong Shut your noise tube,taco human <~~ This started it all... XD

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
I need tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes... Your head smells like a puppy!
22 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
Dumb like a moose!!!!
21 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
I put the fires out! ...You made them WORSE... Worse? Or better?
20 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
You will listen and obey pastulio ....
19 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
You can't make me! I'll just close my eyes! Oh, you'll open them... You'll have to breathe sometime. No! Wait, what do my eyes have to do with breathing?
17 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
You're nothing Earth boy! Go home and shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!
16 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
I'd like a large classic poop!
16 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
You expect me to pay to ride this filthy contraption? Have you the brain worms?
15 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
...and then my master flew to the moon on a rocket of flamin' cheese! I like cheese! Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese...
14 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
So, you're saying the humans are dumb, yet... tall. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? How can anything tall be dumb?
11 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Your moosey fate!
9 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
Fire some kinda laser... thingie at 'em; RIGHT NOW!
7 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
But one day, you'll be sitting in your house feeling all safe and secure, and then you'll look over and I'll be there, doin' stuff! Stuff? In MY home? Never!
6 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
Prepare your bladder for imminent release!
5 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
GIR! Quickly! RIDE THE PIG!!
4 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
Blend in with the indigenous life, analyze their weaknesses, prepare the planet fo the coming madness, yay!
3 minutes ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
My work here is done. GIR, carry me back to my lab. I'm in horrible pain.
GIR: "Hee Hee Hee. Pain.
2 minutes ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
Your methods are stupid; your progress has been stupid; your intelligence is stupid!
about a minute ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
If you people don't want to take perpetual energy seriously, then fine. No power for you!
about a minute ago ·

Julie Wolf Leong
Lets make biscuits! LETS MAKE BISCUITS!
43 seconds ago

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
...I wants me a barrel of floss, and two balls of gluueee..... to be my friends! And I want to go dancing.... NAKED!!!!! ... and a chair made of cheese, and a table made of cheese...

Julie Wolf Leong
You dare agree with me? Prepare to meet your horrible doom!
about a minute ago

It's someones Birthday

I smell a burning pie oh chit....*grabs the oven mitts and pulls the pie out of the oven* happy birthday AJ from the crew have a awesome day and also just for laughs

the weirdness shall ensue


x.x I feel bad


awwe why?

I just reliazed I made home made pot pies

and am eating them now


noooo how could you eat my babies like that!!!!

The reply from another Rat Crew member

Rica Squirreleigh Gray Why are you letting Julie eat your crack babies?! What's wrong with you?! D:
6 minutes ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Alana Jack
I...*sniffles* I sold them to her so I can afford my daily sugar fix...ohhhh my babies *sobs*
2 minutes ago

Julie Wolf Leong
They where delicious anymore?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don't hate us Pie!

AJ now knows of my sugar dealing... >.> X3

>.> oh no

She may already know too much lol

quick >.> get the squirreliezer

I will go get the spiffy shades


pulls out the squirreliezer

Always on me!

puts on shades >.> oop almost forgot puts a pair on Jacque

pulls out two pairs for herself and Carpet tater Ready? X3

nods somehow or another I see this going on the blog


pushes the button and a loud mechanic chitter, later the light fades All is forgiven... Heh heh...

coughs you shall forget about sugar dealing,wolves helping out squirrels in a plan to squander away the worlds sugar supply and dealing it for will remember that what you saw was a pretty pink pony and all you want to do is pet this pony

Friday, February 12, 2010

When boredom happens ....again

The fun part about gaia online the randomness of all the events and which currently I did this on purpose the spellings and what not but I sent this to the pie and to none that get it I sent it as a joke


My beloved ajthewonderpie,

You and I are just two Kitchen people trying to make it in this dark morgue world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of stealing cadavers in the past, and I know you've dabbled in greed, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our rusty hatchet love. Without you, I'm nothing but a facepaint wolf.

Yours Like,


To make matters even more weird this was also another haha that the pie sent

My beloved silentookami,

You and I are just two bloody people trying to make it in this slick world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of homicide in the past, and I know you've dabbled in vengance, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our shiney love. Without you, I'm nothing but a smooth rat.

Yours slyly,


Which DJ is in Da House?

Good afternoon fellow rats. I believe I had mentioned earlier somewhere that my sweet little kitten was a DJ. I figured I'd share some of his work. Here's the link to his myspace page.

Now as many of you know, the pie has also gotten into the art of jumping on the turntables. It's sorta problematic though cos since pies are the same size as a record, I'm often getting mistaken for the record itself and end up with needle scratches in my crust :P. People giggle when they see a pie wearing headphones behind the turntables. Anyways, my boyfriend does help me out a bit with my DJing but funny thing is, our styles are completely different if not opposite. He likes the soft, fluffy trancy stuff whereas I like the hard hip-hoppy breaky stuff. I'd share some of my works with you but I have not yet recorded anything. Just to give you an idea of what my style is like though, here's a couple of my favourite breakbeat tracks. Oh yeah forgot to mention, my DJ name is DJ HiJack or if you want...PieJack.

Makes me lmao every time

What Wuffie is really up to with those toys...

It's been a loooooooooooong time...

Waaaay too long I know :( This pie has been mighty mighty busy though. Let me tell ya over the past couple of months I've been jumping from tin to tin moved to a brand new bakery and now have a little kitten to take care of. What I mean by this is I've officially moved in with my boyfriend who is a cute fuzzy little kitten. A relationship between a kitten and a pie is mighty interesting...especially when the kitten gets hungry. No I will not go on a gushy ramble here because I don't want to make any of you creatures here pull your brains out of your noses. Hehe don't ask, I'm mighty tired and somewhat delusional. You could say I'm tripping filling balls....hold on a sec I'm clearly a female pie so I don't have err timbits hidden somewhere within me *shifty*.

In other news I hear that the wolves and squirrels have been nomming on their nuts and bones...good lord this pie's mind is clearly too far in dough roller. Hand me that tin of icing there and glaze me now, will ya? Ok yeah I'm going to button my crust now...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boredom happend

This is how it started

§ilentwolf Take this life grab it by your hands and turn it right around we may fall but we shall rise one step at a time says:
urrrrrrrrrrrp narwhalburp

яic@ says:
Ever wonder what those might sound like?
§ilentwolf Take this life grab it by your hands and turn it right around we may fall but we shall rise one step at a time says:

now you got me curious brb
яic@ says:

§ilentwolf Take this life grab it by your hands and turn it right around we may fall but we shall rise one step at a time says:
I typed in do narwhals burp into google
guess waht came up

this is the result complete with google fail can you spot it? oh yeah just click the pic for a full view