silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Thursday, January 19, 2017

#throwbackthursday Rat Style!

WARNING: The following post is a little gnomey on the political side of things...

Oh my how times have changed...don't even get me started on that great big ole turkey there. It so happens to be Thursday and the pie oh so appropriately is thinking about the good ole ratty days of the crew here and how much love she still has in her heart for furry creatures alike no matter how long it has been or how many moons apart we may all be.

That being said, today I was watching the news and I don't think I need to get into details here but certain people and certain things that were said and done inspired me to partake in an old sporktacular past time. Writing song parodies or "filks" which is a fancy new word I learned from a friend who is in the Society for Creative Anachronism (it's pretty rad, if you're not familiar, I suggest utilizing our ole pal Google).

Anyways, without further ado, I present to you Our (Millenial) Generation (with a little teenage-inspired angst ;) )

He's got a big white ass and he doesn't pay his taxes
I'm afraid for our generation

This big ugly cow is making his way to Moscow
I'm afraid for our generation

When foreign affairs are really quite a scare
I'm afraid for our generation

I hope his presidency dies before he makes us all cry
I'm afraid for our generation

Our generation
Our generation, baby