silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I know...

It's not yet Christmas, or even December, but I was randomly singing a carol when I started singing my own little jingle. Does anybody recall? Well, either way, the randomness is about to ensue and cause great headaches! So, here it is!


Here comes squirrelly wrath,
Full of squirrelly cheer,
Watch out for your rear,
I may just bash it in.

Bells on my tail ring,
Making my wrath worse,
If you piss me off I may just,
Slay you with my nuts.


Jingly squirrels,
Jingly squirrels,
Watch me steal your nuts,
Watch out or I'll,
Knock you out,
With my jolly boots of doom,

Jingly squirrels,
Jingly squirrels,
Watch me steal your nuts,
Watch out or I'll,
Knock you out,
With my jolly boots of doom!


Yup! There ya go! For those in America, have a wonderful Turkey Day/Thanksgiving, and for those who live in Canada, and already had it... Enjoy that day anyway because we all have a list of things to be thankful for!

So... Have some ham, or a bit of turkey or even a turkey sandwich, but remember... The coffee god is always watching, and will know if you break any of his/her commandments! Just beware when you pour that first cup... And remember! He/she's watching...

Have a great day!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I've turned into a zombie! Bolt your doors and hide your brains under hats! Quickly before it's too late! OH NO! ITS ALREADY TOO LATE!! ........braaaiiiinsssss.... Give braaaiiins.......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

. . . . .

COFFEE SODA!! I'm on a journey to find coffee soda. And I doubt very highly that the local grocery store, or even Wal-mart has this new(ish) type beverage that sounds ever so tasty in my tummy.....

*sad squirrel face*

Why I shouldn't be in a group of people

Long story short, Halloween eve (that sounds funny!) my friend's brother, a very non-religious being, was forced to wear a Monk costume. He had facial hair and all, it was very funny. ANYWAY...

While out trick-or-treating, myself, my friend, her sister, and her sister's guest were all in the house. Yea, all four of us. Chatting, enjoying the quiet, while everybody else, the whole house full of people were out trick-or-treating. I didn't bring my hoodie, I'm such a wuss...

So, we were in the kitchen talking, and my friend's brother texted their sister with, "I'm lost. I'm alone. I'm scared, and I need an adult!" it was funny. So, she texted him back with something along the lines of, "Hold hands with Hercules," or something, since her sister's hubby was a Roman or something like that... I don't know.

He replied with, "No touchie!" which made us all crack up.

Well, the best part was yet to come. The Monk costume consisted of a brown robe, big plastic cross, and they gave him some sort of religious book to carry around. It was priceless needless to say... SO, what was REALLY funny was...

Everybody had returned to the party, except for a small group, consisting of their brother. Well, the doorbell rang. Who could that be? More trick-or-treaters? We answered the door and there he was, smiling big, while holding the little book up and said, "Good evening!" and we all laughed because we knew where it would have gone if we let him.

She said afterward that she should have shut the door on him, to make it funnier.

Anyway, that was part of my Halloween. Didn't do too much, but the party was really fun!