silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Get over it.

You were so blind
You didn't see
What you had
That's too damn bad

You're not getting it back
After all you put me through
You're lucky I haven't killed you

Get over yourself
Grow up
Nobody gives a fuck

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Time to shake this blog up a bit ....oh no shaken blog syndrome I'm such a bad blogger

wait that was a horrible idea *lowers head and gives sad puppy look*

So this is the plan we get a spork...we get some duct tape and we go about sporking

no this is not halloween we just go up to the door and knock and say "Spork or treat"

while the treat will be some very tasty cheese and if you say spork .....*BAM SPORK RIGHT IN YOUR FRIDGE*

I swear I am not overly bouncy.....oooo shiny my shiny

did I ever mention I am the ninja your parents warned ya about

heck yeah I can be all over the place just like that so what

you got something to say come get it ...wait no bring cakes....I like cake....and pancakes...

oh yeah WAFFLES everybody gotta love them waffles if not your a flea bitten mangy non rat loving non spork loving....neener beaner head.

Oh that is all just me zooming in causing my local chaos in the blog

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just had the crap scared outta me

So, I stayed the night at my friend's house right? The one who lives out in the boonies. So, there's coyotes everywhere, and possibly stray dogs and such, right? Yea, so...

Laying here in the guest bed, listening to classical calming music on Pandora radio, fiddling around in Facebook when I hear what sounds like coyotes. I'm used to it, so I didn't let it get to me. But then, a couple seconds later - it wasn't coyotes. Not even one.

Ended up being a cat. Yes, a cat. It was making some weird/creepy sounds. At first, it was wailing like a normal cat would, only it sounded odd. Then a few seconds after that it sounded like it was in a scrap, but I didn't hear any other animals out there. THEN to make it BETTER... It sounded like it was on the back deck. Right outside the guest window. So I'm stiff, watching the window (curtains drawn thankfully) thinking, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Then after that... Nothing. And I mean NOTHING. The cat had gone somewhere else, or snatched up by whatever was out there. Could have been anything, but if it were a coyote, I'd have heard a coyote. A mountain lion or anything like that, I'd have heard that too. But, it was only the cat.

Which confused the hell out of me.

But, it's gone now, whatever it was. So, I should hopefully get a peaceful night's sleep without anything else like that to freak me out. Should be used to cats wailing like that, my friend's cat is annoying like that. Not only that, but a few nights in a row last year, a couple of cats squabbled outside my bedroom window of all places. Freaked me the hell out.

So yea... I'm done now. Just thought I'd share that. >_< I just hope that doesn't happen again. I don't like sounds like that... Meowing is fine, wailing ehh somewhat fine. But yeowling and screeching like it's being attacked - no way.



Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Julie Wolf Leong I currently have no internet so I'm at a friends just visting leaving you this message
3 hours ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Oh, that makes sense. Been going nuts. XD *paws*

Julie Wolf Leong
yeah lol

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Misses my buddy!

Julie Wolf Leong
misses ya too and your status is screwy lol

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Hehe but as am I, so... Yup! XP

Julie Wolf Leong
better then me goign no my baby when it started raining and my car was outside yeah i called my car my baby

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
That's nothing... My step-brother, when he first got his mustang, he SLEPT in it and kissed it goodnight. o__0

Julie Wolf Leong
O_O for series?

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
*nods* For series.

Julie Wolf Leong
That's really really and I mean REALLY odd

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Very much so

Julie Wolf Leong
anyways this coffee is great

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Yes. Yes, it is. Very om nom-licious. :D

Julie Wolf Leong
woo dinner bell

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Rofl haven't heard that one in a while

Julie Wolf Leong
ring a ding a ding

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Clinky clinky clinky nom nom smell of coffee noooom

Julie Wolf Leong

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Ding ding ding-da ding ding ding dingding! *dances around*

Julie Wolf Leong
*head desks*

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
XD...You walked right into that one

Julie Wolf Leong
I know lol

Rica Squirreleigh Gray
You know what comes next, don't you?

And I think she knew what was coming next... Because I told her. XD Have fun!