silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Am I a mean person? (LONG SORRY...)

Okay, here's the scenario... A friend of mine is coming up from Fountain to my area, to help my clingy friend with her dog situation. This dog is well behaved, but has her quirks. Such as...

-Sock snatching/chewing
-Grass munching (excessively)

Basically, puppy quirks. But here's the thing, I know exactly why her dog is chewing on the grass but I can't do anything about it 'cause my friend doesn't do the right thing to stop it. What I did a couple weeks ago was this...

-Dog would munch on the grass
-CLAP MY HANDS + loud sound
-Bring her away from that area for about 10sec
-Bring her back

If it started again, I'd repeat the process. Now, this dog is SMART. She learned that after a couple times, maybe three times of doing that, she wasn't supposed to just munch grass out of boredom. However, this stopped when my friend got the leash again.

So, my friend, who's been training dogs her entire life basically, is coming up to observe the dog's behavior AND my friend's behavior. Now, like I said before, I know EXACTLY why this dog is doing all these things. Because my friend is being lazy. Whenever we sit at a park, this dog is forced to sit in one spot. My friend doesn't get up and move around.

"Walks" are considered taking the dog out to poo and whiz and that's it.

Her excuse for not taking her dog on a walk is, "There are other dogs in the neighborhood and other things that will make it difficult to walk my dog," Uh-huh... It's called ELECTRIC FENCES.

Anyway... Now, about the SOCK snatching habit. The trainer before my friend, let this dog and her litter mates chew and play with socks. So, that would explain why she's chewing on socks. I just hope my friend will LISTEN to what my other friend (who's coming up to help) has to say.

Now, onto the mean person thing... I warned my friend, the clingy one, that if she doesn't heed this friend's advice then she'll probably verbally rip into her. Was that mean to say? I should have asked this a WHILE back but wanted to explain the situation. However, the situation was FAR too long. Soo... Skimming would be the best thing to do about now. So... Am I a mean person for telling her to listen otherwise she'll be ripped a new asshole? Well, I didn't say that exactly. But, still, you get the jest...

I don't think I'm a mean person. But I also told this friend that I won't be able to stop my other friend from reaming her if that be what she wants to do at that given moment. I'm not her keeper. I'm not going to say, "You have to be nice to her because of her disability," NO. My clingy friend has to deal with the good and the bad. Just because she can't handle much emotionally, doesn't mean everybody has to treat her like she's a little princess.

Okay, I'm done now. Seriously. I was about to go on a rant. I'll save that for another blog or something. Might even save you all the torment of my chatter and do it in another blogger entirely. ANYWAY... DONE.

Friday, July 24, 2009


First it was the socks... Then sanity... And some pixie stix... Now this? What's going on with this world?!?!


I think the world has come to an end... Don't you think? x.x

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hey wolf guess what!!






I found the words of wisdom again! I went looking through my old blog waaaay back in 2006 and found them! And I thought I'd refresh your memory and share with the others. This is what happens when I get too much time to think! At least, a little bit... Plus some caffeine... Or a cookie or two. Either way, I get random. Here's words of wisdom for your everyday life! ENJOY~

1- Don't stare into the sun. You'll need surgery till you're 80years old.
2- When in front of a moving vehicle... Don't stand still. They can see you.
3- Never coop up a hundred cats for a month straight and let them loose. Although... That might be funny.
4- Hard objects are NOT you friends
5- When you need a shoulder, don't use mine. Just kidding
6- Never... And I mean NEVER, put a live ferret in your pants. You will NOT win the fight.
7- Nor a dead one... ( ^ )
8- HP to gamers does not mean Harry Potter.
9- Don't fart in your cubical... Fart in the elevator! On the 10th floor!
10- Never provoke a swarm of killer Redeads and run. You will not win.
11- Don't ever play bumblebee boppin'. Slow down just once and you'll lose the game.
12- Even if you wear a sheet on Halloween in front of a moving vehicle... Trust me, they can STLIL see you.
13- Poking a polar bear only insures your early death bed. The bear will not attend your funeral. He does not care.
14- Food can be your friend. And food can be your foe. But if you eat too much of it. To heaven you will go.
15- Don't walk up to a cow with a bumper and hit it. The cow will beat you.
16- Everytime you run over a squirrel a boy gets laid. Please think of the squirrels.


Sorry for the advertising... My friend wants me to get as many customers as possible since she (like so many other friends) think I have potential with my arts. So, here's a link back to my DeviantArt journal. To see other stuffs (if you haven't already) just browse my gallery. Again, sorry for the advertising!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Arm's like Noodles.....can't *brain Melts*

I got a spoon I got a fork quick get in the cutlery drawer and make me some baby sporks

you know what I have decided today that houses should be made out of gingerbread with icing trimming oh and chocolate shingles why a gingerbread house you ask cause will okay folks refrain your selves from eating your own house I know it smells yummy and everything but don't eat your house.

The weather would be perfect you got that not to hot not to cold just righ there in the middle

O_O so a house made out of gingerbread and gnome catching traps all around

knowing those vile gnomes they will magically turn the gingerbread houses into organic or *shudder* soy houses

now how vile and disgusting is that just ugggh O_o

You know what else I have decided that with or with out my sanity im still will im still.......a oddball hyperactive dingledork wuffie

*grins* I think I have run out of things to rant about can't ya all see that maybe one day I will be sane oh ever so sane then you will be force to steal my sanity yet again

Blast the mongoose mafia,the gnomes, and the ever so penguins that claimed to steal my sanity

Im out I shall post again sometime for now don't shed a tear cause it's over be happy I haven't made you bend over in laughter tell you pissed your self yet

*calmly walks out the door*

Monday, July 20, 2009

Your mind is where?!

Here's a funny story from work.

A few days ago I was doing my usual job duties when I see a middle-age couple over at the till next to me. The wife was looking at a couple of really small clamps (like the size of clothes pins) and was commenting on how cute and little they were and how they could be very handy. She then holds a couple of them up, looks over to her husband and kinda opens and closes them and says "we could have fun with these." I couldn't help myself and just burst out with hysterical laughter. She looks over at me with a cheeky grin and points and me and says something like "jeeze, where is your mind?" I just say like you know, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." This whole thing was surprisingly not awkward at all, it just kept me smiling for the rest of my shift.

Ahhh help, my mind is in the gutter and I can't get it out!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Squirrely wrath needs to vent... BEWARE.

Okay, so, I thought things were getting somewhat better with my friend, who has the mental disorder, but I was wrong. SO wrong. Her birthday is coming up tomorrow and she's depressed because everybody else has lives or work and can't take time off to hang out with her on the day of her b-day. So I'm thinking... She's acting a bit selfish. Here's one of the things she said to me.

"but you does hurt that it's taken so lightheartedly by order was you and alyssa, then possibly kari and adam then the toughy would've been take along jenn or take along katie...cause they don't get along. but i at least wanted you and alyssa and it appears i'm just not on the priority list on my B-day. now i'm not moping i'm just stating facts."

Uh-huh, I hear moping shortly after that... And then nothing but moping. So, I think she's acting rather selfish about this whole ordeal. She'd be even more upset if I had a job and couldn't hang out with her. But, now I'm not sure I even WANT to hang out with her if she's going to act like this.

I try and give her my advice, help her feel better but that door just gets slammed in my face. Right in my face. Here's another thing that really got me.

"they can sure try to make time for me...lord knows they barely do."


"i have no clue why katie decided to contact me after 7 months i tried to be there for her on her b-day and apparently i screwed things up for everyone."

Honestly, I think she's just acting like a little whiny brat who's being selfish. I mean, I'd not be so upset if "hardly anyone" wished me a happy birthday on my birthday. I get about... Two or three people wishing me a happy birthday. My extended family is far to extended to remember everyone's birthdays. And here she is going on and on and on about how it sucks and how it hurts. Do you see me complaining about it? NO.

I'm sure everyone has their moments of complaints when it comes to something so special as a birthday, but the least she could do is be thankful she's alive. Sorry, more of her complaints...

"this year is screwed over to begin's been nothing but borderline divorces, death, and of course the occasional yelling obscenely like when mom told me to get the fuck outta her room.... last week... i feel fat, unwanted by many and alone... the one good thing is i get stuff and money for my birthday but that can only go so far before i get lonely again."

And there's nothing I can say to help her feel better because I hate to say it, some of these things she's hit the nail on the head. She IS a little overweight, but that's not my fault now isi t?

My only complaint is...

I'M A FUCKING HUMAN BEING I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH!!! Sheesh... It's like she's asking far too much out of me then goes and says, "I'm just wanting a friend," uh-huh... There's nothing I can say but let her vent and when it's venting, it sounds like complaining. And since I've been doing a lot of that lately, I'm tired of hearing it from others. I need a fucking break!

A FUCKING BREAK! Okay... I think it's all out of my system now... I'm done. Thank you for reading/skimming. Or even just seeing that it's there. Thank you. I needed to relieve a bit of steam.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yeah I'm very lame...

Dear Blank,

I can honestly say that I have never met anybody quite like you. You truly are one of a kind. You are unique, special, adorable, gentle, can't really think of the perfect wording to describe you. You are an amazing person and I really do love you. I've never felt quite the same way about anybody throughout my entire life. I know that we've got a unique bond like no other and that there is definately something there. We've both been hurt so terribly in the past but I know that together we can help heal each other's wounds. I want to be your somebody.


brain fart to the max

ok so I was talking to Alana the other night and i swear to god she lost her memory temporarily..

this is what happened.......

Alana: Holy Shit.... where is my cellphone????
Me: Aren't you talking on your cellphone????

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Life has gotten so much better since I stopped talking to one of my friends. Haven't gotten irritated or anything the past... Umm... Three weeks, I think? But, I have however, been feeling rather suffocated and smothered by my other friend. She's been wanting me to spend so much time with her, that I haven't had a day to myself since Sunday. Well, with the exception of last night. Slept in my own bed and it felt GUD. Other than that, stop smothering me so much! x.x

I know she has this mental disorder, but daaaamn cut me some slack! Heh, I made her quiet for about five minutes today.

We saw two homeless guys on the street today while heading to another friend's house and she said, "Man, it makes me mad that people take advantage of other people's good nature like that," then said, "You know half of them do that to make money," and I said, "Well, think about it this way," (I could be wrong on this, I don't know) "Well, if the the economy goes anymore down the crapper, all the tax payers money will soon go to those who either refuse to work or those who can't work and there will be no reason to work at all," and she paused and just stopped talking for about five minutes 'cause she knows that some of the tax payer's money is going to her and her "inability to work".

Made me think, "Wow, hit the nail on the head on that one,"


It was freaking 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside today! I felt like friggen squirrel soup! x.x; Even on the highway at 75mph I had the window rolled down and my head out the window. I mean DAMN. Due to my friend's car being in the heat all afternoon, the internal thermometer said 100 degrees. I was all, "HOLY SHIT,"

ANYWAY... DONE. Hee... Peace fellow squeakers. *SQUEAK*

Sunday, July 12, 2009

^.^ fun with helium

A warning brought to you by ....

Oh Beware...beware of the ever so eluding gnome ness monster there lil gnomies with lil hats just waiting ....watching...see that sock you dropped it's theres now they love water unlike other vile gnomes...They laugh and laugh some more while taking your sandal and running with it and using it as a surfboard across the kitchen floor

that scuff mark there not left by you but by lil gnomies doing there dastardly deeds

who knows have you found a lil gnomie in your home lately? if so remember to feed them or they become vile gnomes that chase you with sporks and they have pointy hats ooo the pointy hats are not so nice they take a running leap and try to poke you..but to no avail they only poke ankles...

that is all from the beware of gnome broadcasting network

Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy, busy pie

Hello everybody *bounces up and shakes off loose flakes*

Sorry I haven't written in a while. This pie has been non-stop on the run for the past week or so. Big, big news in the world of the AJ. I gots a job...finally! I get to wear an orange apron all day and be nice to people and take their money. Hehehe no I am not a criminal...I am a cashier and I freaking love it. Home Depot is a good place to work. The people there are awesome and I believe that I have made some new friends, the customers are nice and it smells really, really good in there. Call me crazy but the scent of pine, cedar and a few other woods mixed in with a dash of paint and a splash of other random building things smells better than Axe. You're probably thinkin' I've lost my filling but seriously go in there and take a whiff for yourselves, you'll see what I mean :P.

Anyways, Stampede's been going good. Took tickets at Flames Central on thursday for the Blue Rodeo show and made a little cash off of it haha. It was really cool cos during that evening there were a bunch of people riding horses down Stephen Avenue yelling yahoo at the top of their lungs. They continued to ride on for the whole evening, even when it started pouring rain. We all just shook our heads and laughed and thought you know you're in Calgary when...Went to go see Hinder on friday with Robyn. They were pretty wicked. Up All Night I think is this year's unofficial Stampede theme song. Every year for some reason I appoint a particular rock song as the Stampede theme song. It's a weird little tradition of mine. Last year I think it was a Tragically Hip song and the year before that it was Ladies and Gentleman by Saliva. I love Stampede. It's always been one of my favourite times of the year. Just makes me feel...alive lol.

Honestly, this past week has been non-stop action. Barely had any time to rest in the oven. Started up my little volunteer job with BFC. I absolutely love it. Those people are so much fun to talk to and hang out with. I can't wait to get to know them all better :). Ooo I forgot to mention, I saw the new Transformers movie last friday with one of my awesomest best buddies. I think we enjoyed the popcorn just as much as we enjoyed the movie ;). I'm really, really fond of that guy haha. I'm so sad that he has to move in a few months though. Thank god it's not too far away though so we can still visit each other ^_^

Yeah I'm rambling...gonna shut my erm pie hole now and go hop in my oven so I can actually drag my arse out of bed to go print off flyers then go to work.

Pie's out.