silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I have a pot of coffee....I have a pot of coffee.....and you can't has it

Yes I have my pot of coffee my cup of coffee it's go-go time, or in the magical land of wuff it's time for spazzmatic random time. Now what does this entitle any viewers of this blog if there are still viewers that is lets see here absolutely nothing..... Wrong answer this is full of sunshine,rainbows and unicorns and maybe the odd woodland creature have I already mentioned unicorns? 

 come on down to the live action sporking range where nobody judges you on your sporking skills, or the size of your spork! A little sidetracked I am now to get to actual mayhem remember my little ditty the other day? I remembered even more (insert insane laughter here)

 Hey little sporky what have you done? 
Hey little sporky who's the only one? 
Hey little sporky who's your sporkingman? 
Hey little sporky who's the one you want?
 Hey little sporky shot gun! It's a nice day to spork again. 
It's a nice day for a spork wedding. 
It's a nice day to spork again. 
 Hey little sporky who is it you're with?
 Hey little sporky what's your spork and bork?
 Hey little sporky shot gun 
 Hey little sporky who's your sporkingman?
 Hey little sporky shot gun!
 It's a nice day to spork again 
 It's a nice day for a spork wedding 
It's a nice day to spork again 

 That is about sporking it....this is silent signing out

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